This was how the j2s begin their first day of school: timetables, lectures, tutorials.
This was how I begin my first day of school:

YEAH. Garbed in our ogl identity to welcome the new year ones :] I belong to tribe TIENNO and VIVIAN IS THE TRIBAL KING. We are MAGICIANS.
Day one started off slow with 3 hour talk by our new principal. ROCKS. And I got to know my OG 31 abit better!

Btw, which coincidentally is my jersey number!
Day 2 was THE FLOOD. HEH water games. For once I'm dry. Being ogl rocks.
This is my crazy OG 31 who went all out during the games! Polo sweets in flour. HELLO!?!? I'll scream 'game fail' and leave! WOAHH.

Yup, we may be small in numbers (only like 14 of us) BUT big in spirit!
After officially releasing the new year ones, we had our own tienno ogl meetings. LAUGH UNTIL DIE OKAY. The guys can do our home cheer SO well. Yeah right. HAHA. Even the seniors felt that exasperation. Darn, should have recorded it down HEH.
Day 3 was when everything escalated to the MAX and came to an end. It is when I begin to realise everyone suspects that I'm on drugs LOL. It was also when my tribe got REAL HIGH and started ganging up against ME. What has the world come to!
Did CIP in the morning with OG31 and OG28 (which was supposed to be ernica and my og)! Collected loads of newspapers, clothes and well, a deep cut. LOUIS from my og31 knocked into a pole and had a cut. I was so freaked out. And for once, I attempted bandaging the wound. GOSH.

TIENNO identity! Hats off to ERNICA who went all out to get the stuff! WE WON BEST IDENTITY :]

Matheus (siersha), Jue Ying (Achomawi), Zhi Yang (Iroqouis), Jerico (Nahane) and ME did one last closing skit for the entire orientation. I miss rehearsing with you guys LOL! Our skits consists of beatboxing, world of warcraft style and MORE. Give me S-A-I-N-T-S!
Oh, and Vivian utterly embarrassed herself again. All they went was V for VIVIAN and this is what you get.
AWWW. Haha xiu was affected by me too. Well, that was when you really feel cheering your lungs out for the past 2 days, running up and down, doing everything was worth it all. THANKS guys!

Yeah, and for this photo, we had cos major traffic congestion. SORRY PRES.
ALRIGHT. And that, was how I spent my first 3 days of school :]
This orientation was different from how I felt last year during mine. It had already taken me one whole year to accept things and try to believe in start of something new. During the principal's talk, I felt that she was speaking to me, about new beginnings, new experiences, new possibilites. Then I look back, about what has happened, about changes that happened in year 2007. So true, new experiences. Truth be told, those prolly would not have happened if I have been at another's orientation.

SO............................... Let's make 2008 a brand new beginning.
Which means, whatever that needs to move on, pick yourself up and MOVE ON.
Whatever that needs to remain status quo, smile and say FRIENDS FOREVER.
Whatever that needs to get back, focus and do WHATEVER IT TAKES.
Let's start believing.